Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Photo Angst

My son sent me an email with a link to Snapfish where he keeps his photos. In order to look at them, I had to join. (At least, they told me I had to join.) It was free. It was simple. (I am used to signing up for free and not-so-free things on the Internet. )I looked at his pictures and enjoyed them. Now, I am a member of Snapfish. Cool, eh? Not really, because, you see, I don't know the first thing about getting those great shots I've taken with my digital camera into my computer and then on to Shapfish... or any other place on the web, for that matter. Sure, as a member, I can go on to Snapfish any time now and look at my kid's pictures, but that's it. (Technology is great if you know how to use it.)

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