Thursday, July 3, 2008

Audiobooks and Digital Collection

I watched the Overdrive videos on how to sign up for and download audiobooks. It took me over a half and hour to do it. I realized, then, that you could actually watch these videos in "installments" instead. I listened to Part 1 of Fahrenheir 451. It was just like listening to a book on CD, complete with atmospheric music. I wish I had an MP-3 player to take full advantage of this digital media library. One can download certain titles and burn them to a CD. I think that, MP-3-less as I am, I will try this in the future. If I had a blank CD, I would try doing this. Unfortunately, not all of the titles give you permission to do this.

Our library system has a really nice collection of books on Overdrive and I hope that others are taking advantage of this collection.

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