Thursday, July 3, 2008


When I started these exercises, I said that I had always thought of learning in the "classroom" sense. This sure got me out of the classroom and into reality. It has turned out to be a fun and exciting way for me to learn. I found that I loved some of these exercises and learned a lot from "doing."

Some of my favorites were : Flickr, Bloglines, Wikis, YouTube (I had such a good time embedding that video on my blog!!), and Technorati. When I did my assignment for Technorati, I didn't realize just how much you could do on it. Later, one of our student employees mentioned Cowboy Curtis from PeeWee's Playhouse. He said that the guy who played Cowboy Curtis was a famous movie star now. Well, I could remember PeeWee and Chairy, but Cowboy Curtis escaped me. So, I looked him up on Technorati and, by golly, Cowboy Curtis was played by Laurence Fishburne!! I even saw a few clips of PeeWee's Playhouse with him singing, etc. It was a hoot! That's when I realized that we are just touching the tip of the iceberg in these exercises. It is up to us to explore the various tools to get maximum potential from them.

One problem with this 23Things project is that you can easily become addicted to some of the tools. I am getting fairly proficient at loading my photos on to Flickr and manipulating them. In free moments, I am looking at all the library videos I can on YouTube. Last, but certainly not least, I have found that I enjoying blogging!

Several times during the course of this exercise, I felt pressured. I guess it is because there is so much going on in our branch this summer. We are busy! We could have had a little longer to complete these exercises, too. But, I enjoyed the format and the challenge, every step of the way.

If you offered another discovery program like this in the future, would I participate? As they say in Fargo: YOU BETCHA!!

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