Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I went to the Denver Public Library podcasts and listened to someone read Red Fox and the Baby Bunnies. It was a picture book. The problem with podcasting someone reading a picture book is that nobody can see the pictures and, excuse me, isn't that what picture books are all about? I know that lots of libraries have similar podcasts on their websites. A long time ago, Broward County had a telephone number that you could call and hear a story. I feel that is a gimmick and a child isn't going to get much out of a picture book story read to them over the phone. Anyway, it was interesting to see how many libraries are into podcasting. (We have some catching up to do!)

I subscribed to CBC Radio: Editor's Choice podcasts on Bloglines, mainly because it was very easy to do and I wanted to get subscribed to something so that I could get on to the next part of my 23things. It turns out that CBC is Canadian, for crying out loud, and I really don't care about Canadian news. I will ditch that subscription and get one to something else now that I know how easy it is to do. I do have to say that while I was listening to my CBC subscription podcasts, I heard one about a Lucy Maude Montgomery conference and she is one of my favorite authors. So, that was the upside to the downer of having subscribed to a Canadian podcast on Bloglines.

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