Friday, June 6, 2008

It's a LibraryThing

I took a look around Library Thing and created an account. (At this point, I think I have created at least 5 various accounts to complete my 23 Things. I have a feeling that I will be creating some more, too.) Into my Library Thing catalog I have put titles of books that I plan to read in the future. Some are just recently published and some will be published in the coming months. As I eventually read these books, I will remove titles. As I hear of new books that are coming up, I will add titles. This list will replace the myriad of paper scraps I have in my desk drawer with book titles written on them. (This list is a step in the direction of organization, I guess.)

Now, going back to the thing about the various accounts.... I know that I am supposed to put a link here to my LibraryThing catalog; however, since I wish to remain as anonymous as possible on this blog, I cannot link to my LibraryThing catalog because I used my actual name as my user name. I tried to change my user name and the function is not working. So, please trust that I have a catalog on LibraryThing and it contains at least 5 titles.

Next, I will address how I feel about all of those accounts I've had to create.........

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