Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Web 2.0

I am excited about what I'm learning of Web 2.0. The other day I noticed that now has a tag key. Some of the other sites I have visited do too. Everyone is updating and so should we as librarians. I just read an article by Michael Garrett Farrelly in my new issue of Public Libraries. He says that the crassness of reality television is caused by the dissolution of old media. I think we are seeing the dissolution of old technology, but are blessed with the birth of new. It's our duty as librarians to keep up with the new. We can't hang on to the old, as Anderson says in "Away from the Icebergs," "just in case."
I don't see, as Anderson observes in his own library, a decrease in circulation rates in our library system; however, I do believe that we must keep up with patrons demands for more access to everything.
Back in the early 1960's (uh-oh, nowI'm dating myself!), my grandfather heard that there was going to be something called "cable TV" and you could pay to get better reception on your television set. He was scandalized. That one would have to pay for something that everyone could get free just seemed "un-American" to him. He died before the advent of cable, but had he lived, he would have been dragged kicking and screaming into the era of cable subscription. Poor Grandpa!
How lucky I am to live through all these technological advances and work a in a field where I can put them to work for myself and my patrons!! Web 2.0? Bring it on!

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