Thursday, June 26, 2008


I had added my blog to the favorite blogs page and was trying to add a link to my favorite restaurant on the favorite restaurants list(without much success) when I heard this loud buzz start. I thought to myself, OMG! I broke the Wiki!! Then, I realized that it was the fire alarm. While standing out in front of the library waiting for the fire trucks to come, I mentioned to my co-horts that I was having difficulty figuring out how to link the name of my favorite restaurant to its corresponding website. Several people said, "Oh, I'll show you how." But, I was determined to do this on my own! As soon as we were able to get back into the library again ( false alarm), I got back on my computer. I looked again at my blog link and saw that it was the URL that linked the name of my blog to the blog itself. I just copied the restaurant's URL into the proper space and voila! y'all can now click on my restaurant's name and go to the website. I am so proud of myself that my head just might explode!

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