Tuesday, June 24, 2008


While this search engine is not my cup of tea, I can see that if you are into reading blogs every day you might want to use Technorati to catch up on your favorites. I happened to explore Technorati the day George Carlin died and got caught up in reading all the blogs about him and his passing. So, it was easy to see that one could find Technorati useful.
I did an advanced search on the library's website and found some references to our computer classes like Mousing Around. I did a tag search for Web 2.0 and got thousands of hits. I looked at videos and photos, blogs, etc. I checked out a blog by John Blyberg from Ann Arbor Library and several nonlibrarian blogs like Techcrunch and Boingboing. I suddenly realized that I had spent over an hour on Technorati. It was an amusing diversion but I can't see me using this tool unless I had time to kill or nothing else more worthwhile to do. There is an awful lot of what I would consided "junk" on there. You have to narrow your tag to get to the good stuff.
I think that if you follow authoritative librarian blogs, you would be better off getting a feeds on Bloglines.

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