Thursday, June 26, 2008


The Wiki in plain English video was great. It explained what a wiki is in a way anyone could understand. I looked at the ALA Wiki and if I were lucky enough to attend ALA 2008, it would be indispensible to the planning of my trip. I particularly liked the Dine-Around Program part where people could sign up to go to various restaurants, assuring an attendee of dinner companionship. There is something called "Twitter" that I keep seeing in my travels around while I've been doing my 23things. From what I gather it is something that you do with your cell phone. I am going to check that out after I complete this assignment.
I think that a Youth Services Program Wiki would be an idea that could work for youth services staff. It could be so helpful when planning programs. Our youth services staff is constantly looking for new and creative ideas that work. I would love to get something like that started because we all have had very successful programs that we want to talk about. A wiki is a fine forum for sharing.

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